Sunday, April 13, 2014

Documentation of Linda Yun's "wanting/waiting"

Linda Yun - installation of wanting/waiting 

Linda Yun - installation of wanting/waiting  

Linda Yun - installation of wanting/waiting (foreground: LL / background: ...)

Linda Yun - LL (paper, photographs of the artist's parents take by each other whilst in the process of wooing each other, embossing powder) 2014 

Linda Yun - ... (detail) (mylar, fan, sunlight, light, reflected color) 2014 

Linda Yun - snaggletooth (humidifier, mirror, water, towels, condensation) 2014  

Linda Yun - snaggletooth (detail) (humidifier, mirror, water, towels, condensation) 2014  

Linda Yun - wanting/waiting (detail) (photographs) 2014 

Linda Yun - reading (duct tape, fan, embossing powder) 2014 

 Linda Yun - x (detail) (painter's tape) 2014

Linda Yun - ... (exterior view) (mylar, fan, sunlight, light, reflected color) 2014